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Sally bumps into a group of girls loudly asking if they wanted to play tag. She totally misses the facial expressions of the girls, who are horrified with her behavior because she does not notice one of the girls is crying. As Sally continues to try and gain their attention, one of the girls makes a sarcastic remark, hoping Sally will leave. Sally does not understand the joke and persists in her behavior. 


Developing social skills refers to the process of learning and improving one's ability to effectively communicate and interact with others in social situations. This can include learning how to make and maintain friendships, navigate group dynamics, and effectively communicate and resolve conflicts. Developing social skills can be especially important for children and adolescents as they navigate their social environments, but adults can also benefit from improving their social skills.


Some strategies that may be helpful in developing social skills include practicing active listening, learning to recognize and understand social cues, and seeking out opportunities to practice and improve social skills in real-world situations. It is also important to be patient and understanding with oneself as one works on developing social skills, as it can be a process that takes time and effort. 

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